I would love to see:
r/macro for discussions about Lyn Alden posts and big nation state level power shifts
I think these technology subs you mentioned are pretty safe bets.
Other things that would be pretty safe are Q&A subs like r/askreddit or r/nostupidquestions etc. Or a meme channel - pretty much guaranteed to work out.
I personally would like to see subs that are a little further out. So we can draw new people into Bitcoin and not just draw from the preexisting Bitcoin/tech community. What about subs about fitness? Or cooking? Or wine/beer/whisky etc? Or sports?
I agree, I would love a beer and a fitness community on here some time in the future. Now that sats and LN has been opened to normies through CashApp and Strike, it's easier to onboard them as well IMO.
Beer and fitness. Here's a man with a life in perfect balance.
haha, fitness in the morning, beer in the evening(on weekends). There is a way to enjoy both!
Yes! I forgot about Privacy. Big one.