I think I figured it out. The A is a prefix set by dunst to indicate that the notification has an action (you can click on it), and the U shows that the notification has a URL with it.
You can disable this if you want, by editing ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc and changing the line show_indicators from true to false. If the file doesn't exist, then copy the default configuration file from /etc/dunst/dunstrc to ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc and then changing show_indicators to false
The issue I found this on, for reference: https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst/issues/599
Don't I feel dumb, I searched all issues here and the documentation online and absolutely forgot you guys had a man page. I figured it was something like that though. Sorry for wasting your time, that fixed it of course.
lol, this so much
I was almost there though. I used man 5 dunst (which opens the config documentation instead of the command documentation like man dunst) to make notifications follow the screen on which my mouse is currently on. But I didn't think about looking in there for my prefix problem, lol
You were right!
Thank you very much, well deserved sats. That prefix annoyed me so much.
A SN bounty success story, this post is.
Thanks! Glad I could help.