Do you use privacy-friendly search engines like DuckDuckGo, StartPage, SearXNG, Mullvad Leta or the folksy Google? Do you use a separate browser for bitcoin-related topics?
I am an advocate of privacy and confidentiality and try to use the tools for this to the maximum. The web is full of articles comparing similar search engines, but I am interested in the real experiences of users who use these search engines regularly.
Do they cover your needs? Are you happy with the search results?
p.s. We need a sub ~privacy))
1st time here...I was using Brave's search and browser and was very happy with the service, however after I was frozen out of earning BAT I moved to DDG out of principle. I did not know about DDG's censoring topics before so will have to look into that now. I've been content with DDG and moved for the privacy but the browser is noticeably slower and the search results are step down from Brave IMO.
I like the privacy sub idea.
I've been using Presearch for a while and I haven't felt any need to try another search engine.
Initially, I was drawn to it because it is decentralized, privacy focused, and pays it's users with an internal token. That last element might be essentially worthless, but it stands on its own as a search engine.
Another vote for Presearch. Exactly what you said above. Decentralized nodes that search other search engines. You search on presearch and the node anonymously goes to google or bing and returns you the result. Pretty cool idea that breaks the google ads and tracking.
I'll try it, it's interesting.
Agree. Anything that has a token attached to it like that is no good. If you are going to pay why just use sats or USD? The use of decentralized nodes is pretty cool though. It would be even cooler if they had the ability to run a web server through IPFS or something like that so that if the website went down you could still access it in a decentralized manner.
Thanks for the substantive comment that didn't at all conform to stereotype.
lol, not worth the time
I use Brave Search since DDG censored stuff about the war in Ukraine. It also works with bangcodes too, which is the killer app imo.
Same here, same reason
Do you use it in conjunction with the Brave browser?
Google and Brave Search
I use and DuckDuckGo. DuckDuckGo has censured results in the past, so I'm using that less.
Here are more Searx instances:
I'd like to use Mullvad Leta. Not sure that's possible without subscribing first. Haven't got to that yet. At the moment I just try to minimize searching. I get a bad feeling that I'm being manipulated through hidden advertising and biased results with mostsearch engines I've used. (paid)
Will give presearch a try.
Brave search isn't bad. I like how they are making their own index. Favorite now is Kagi. Can even pay for it in bitcoin. Not free but also no ads and very active development. I do use Mullvad and didn't know of their search engine proxy. I'll have to check it out but can't envision going back to Google...Kagi is that good.
Yes, a subscription is required to use Mullvad leta
Co-sign ask for privacy sub.
I use DDG or Brave search.
DuckDuckGo is the best search engine I've ever used.
1. Privacy: It's super private, with almost no trackers whatsoever. In addition, you get detailed analysis of what trackers got blocked.
2. Features: DuckDuckGo is more feature packed than Google search. You get bangs! like !w and !g that let you automatically use another search engine. In addition, DuckDuckGo has a fantastic email privacy service that lets you generate infinite emails, and an Android tracking protector that blocks tracking on your Android apps
3. Search Results: This can be a mixed bag. DuckDuckGo usually has good results, and often ones that you couldn't get to with Google or Bing, but they can be a bit unhelpful at times. This has been steadily improving as I've used the service though.
Thanks for the response. DDG was unfortunately spotted censoring search results
Yeah, I know. The thing is, they have so far been very transparent and up front about what they do and do not downrank. Plus, I have no qualms with a private search engine choosing to do this. If that is a problem for you then, by all means, use a different engine. I just appreciate their honesty in how they craft results
Duck and Brave.
p.s. We need a sub ~privacy
You got it!
DuckDuckGo …
🦆 🦆 Go
The first thing presearch asks is for you to create an account and give an email.
I'll pass.
I'll stick with brave
DuckDuckGo and Startpage.
The latter contains also a nice Anonymous View proxy feature. Useful when the page you are visiting is not properly working in the Tor Browser. With this feature there is a change it will work when additionally proxied through Startpage ;-)
Please write in more detail the experience, not just the name of the search engine)
Google and yandex are really good for porn