KYC trail on the blockchain only opens a user to potential government harassment. It does not change or affect anything else after the coins are on private keys.
It takes a critical mass of people willing to face authority and tell them NO, before things will change. I'm not discouraging P2P at all. But if all we do is run and hide in fear, then Liberty will lose.
I disagree. Handing one’s identity to centralized platforms that can be hacked, stolen from, or forcefully captured, and at the same time, linking all bitcoin obtained from these platforms to one’s identity changes everything. As very well said by Matt Odell:
It is not running or hiding in fear to want privacy in life. It is simply the choice and the ability to selectively reveal yourself to others. It is freedom.
I stand by what I said and would like to add that KYC = Keeping Yourself Cucked.
I suspect plenty of Chinese people avoid censorship and totalitarianism. But that remnant has not influenced or changed the policies of the government which now abuses them.
I am not willing to accept the loss of liberty in the United States and if somehow it becomes illegal to own or trade KYC Bitcoin then we will have another 80 years of tyranny.
Again, I agree everyone should have a free and private stack- but accepting government restrictions over your actual irl identity and ownership of Bitcoin will be a massive loss for liberty.
Winning the race to avoid the war means having a significant amount of upstanding and public people unafraid to hold all kinds of Bitcoin KYC and otherwise.