LOL some people in US are really shitting their pants now with this inflation. Just few years ago they were laughing about Venezuela inflation, now they are making apps to check the inflation. Daaaamn...
Guys, is simple: STOP fucking using US dollars. Use ONLY bitcoins. FUCK FIAT! FUCK THE BANKS! Step out of the system, don't keep staying inside the cage.
you can only be kept in a cage you refuse to see
This was awarded as part of Balaji's 1729 bounty, they awarded $100K USD for this dashboard
There was an article in CoinDesk on this:
While the Truflation index is based on the same calculation model as the widely used CPI, it is different because it measures and reports inflation changes daily by using current real-market price data from sources like Zillow, Penn State and Nielsen, among others.
About 40% of the data that is being looked at is the same goods basket that the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses. The remaining 60% is being substituted with data from other sources.
A Censorship-Resistant Inflation Index Is Being Built on Chainlink <-- An archive, may be easier to read
And an article on ZeroHedge about this:
The "True" Inflation Rate Is 13.2% - Censorship-Resistant Price-Tracker Built On Blockchain
New CPI numbers out today
Sad to see. Poor is getting crushed
Is there any info on how they calculate their inflation rate?
What is truflation? True inflation? It's not very obvious.
But you figured it out. It seems pretty obvious to me.