This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
What good a drama has been coming up from those Reddit "alternatives" on r/RedditAlternatives. People calling out Tildes power mod trips and Lemmy dev being called out to be communist.
What I have noticed the drama come from news users. I already stopped recommending Tildes and Lemmy.
πŸ˜„ they don't need to call out Lemmy devs to be communist, they are quite clear about that in their bios and replies... (example )
Stacker News really feels like it’s buzzing lately, lots of interesting conversations with lots of comments from a good mix of new and regular users.
I think it's cause the bitcoin subreddit is closed
Whoa!!! When did that happen?
I believe this is a form of protest some subreddits are doing against Reddits announcement that they plan to charge for use of their API or something. And this effects some apps people use for viewing reddit like Apollo, which is a free app that seems to not charge any money or run any ads (and as far as I know makes no money).
It should be noted Apollo also happens to filter out Reddit's own ads, which I assume influenced Reddits decisions here. Not sure though thats mostly speculation on my part. And to be honest im not really sure what side im on either, I dont use Apollo or any third party app to interact with reddit, so im not really effected. I think a nice compromise might be Apollo just putting up Reddits ads, but I dont think reddit has indicated that that would be enough anyway.
Also, currently, when you search bitcoin on reddit, the /r/bitcoin subreddit doesnt show up. But the /r/btc subreddit (which is the bitcoin cash subreddit) does show up. To me this seems less than ideal.
And this seemed to start yesterday I think. I think on Sunday I could access the subreddit. On Monday it was closed and they said it will be open again on the 14th, which should be tomorrow, Wednesday.
Oh, OK.
Too bad. Would like them to do that permanently. Would be great for SN.
SN bug report:
When I initially load SN and start writing here the cursor doesn't work properly, that is, the first letter is pushed forward as if the initialization get redone or something.
Basically, after the first character is written, the cursor is reset into the beginning.
Example, if I write Hello, it displays elloH.
Thanks for reporting, you mean this issue right:
I noticed this after the release but it was already late. Will work on a fix now.
I have to up my testing game so stuff like this no longer happens
Ah, I see, it also happens when creating a new comment. But for some reason not always (at least for me)
But for some reason not always (at least for me)
And now I also fully understand your comment @nullama, lol. You have given all the information that was required for me to understand. It only happens after a page load. I just didn't read properly
Waiting for @k00b to merge and deploy
I am experiencing the same issue.
Day 59 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.