Hi, I want to use a service like https://lnaddress.me to create lnaddresses to a wallet on a LNbits wallet on Umbrel. I already use https://lnaddress.me to forward payments to the same nome using LND and Rest Tor. So it works over TOR and umbrel. I just can't figure out how to do using a LNbits wallet on the same umbrel node.
Any tips?
What should be the Host address? The Key I imagine will be the invoice key
Why complicate so much when is already implemented into your lnbits? Just go to LNURL-p and create a new LNURL-p linked to a specific wallet. Add the LN address you want and done. If you want more users with different LN address, just create a bunch of wallets from user manager extenstion and to each one assign a LNURL-p with a LN address. Each of those accounts will have: LNURL, LN address, LN wallet, LN-auth.
Rember that your LNbits MUST be visible in clearnet with a domain name for that lnbits instance. See more documentation here https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/wiki