Which is your favorite podcast 2.0 app?
After trying a few, i found fountain to be my favorite, but the fact that it doesn't have fast forward and rewind buttons on the lock screen is completely unacceptable imo.
I'm really excited to support the pods i love in another way, and expand the usefulness of lightning, but unless these apps can provide the features i consider essential for a podcast app, i can't see myself using them.
I get that this is a new space and there is still innovation happening, but it seems most apps at the moment are more concerned with lightning, and forget that it's a podcast app first.
Any insights are welcomed and encouraged, thanks!
ya imo without a 30 sec fast forward and a 15 sec rewind its unusable. hopefully they add it soon.
There was a recent post that may be of interest:
List your every day podcast app (pls) #14658
I use Fountain, myself, but I don't listen to podcasts all that much.
I've seen antennapod mentioned numerous times. I've never used it. It's Android only, and is also available through F-Droid installer.
I love antenna pod, it's been a my favorite for a very long time, unfortunately it doesn't support lightning and streaming sats
Here's a directory where features are a filter criteria.
Yes, big fan of Fountain. I usually have that as my daily driver.
I've also been using Breez, which has great functionality as a lightning wallet, but I feel as if the podcast experience is just a tad under Fountain.
Another great one is castomatic, which does have a beautiful UX and great wallet.