With all the new new products, features, and experiments being launched in the Bitcoin/Lightning ecosystem lately, it can be really hard to keep up.
To fix this, we've decided to set up a regular thread specifically for sharing the projects that more people should know about.
It doesn't matter if you're a builder, a user, or a curious skeptic. Feel free to share guides, demos, or any other form of content to help Stacker News users learn why they need to give your favorite project a shot.
  • If you're a builder, share the latest releases from your project for SN users to test out
  • If you're a user, share your favorite apps that you think more people need to know about
  • If you're new to Bitcoin and Lightning, jump in with any questions you have about the products listed
Come check out Noderunners Radio. There's Jukebox Lightning Bot running in there which you can use to add music to the radio.
Also, anyone can invite the bot to their own TG group (as admin) and connect it to their own spotify api.
Great fun, and good way to orange pill folks too!
wow, this is awesome
something i always wanted but just didn't know lol
Its pretty great. Yeah! Works very well when you have a pub too. Or when you have a party.
I really like the swap service of https://deezy.io/ which is https://swap.deezy.io/.
I still remember when I started with Lightning that everything was overwhelming: "How do I get sats into lightning? How do I get sats out of lightning? How do I get inbound liquidity? Which channels to open?"
But https://deezy.io/ seems to have answers to all of that.
And at some point, I realized that Phoenix has loop-out integrated into the wallet. But the fees on https://swap.deezy.io/ are sometimes better.
(I can only speak for the swap service though since that's the only thing I used so far from deezy)
I tried Silent Link for the first time yesterday, really incredible experience.
Got rid of my $60/mo phone plan and replaced it with pay-as-you-go data ($7/gb) paid over Lightning.
My $5 balance should last me at least a few months on Silent Link.
Thanks! Gonna bookmark that one till I get a new phone.
How do you make phone calls and send sms with the data only plan?
with the data only plan, you don’t.
but i’m finding that imessage and all the half-dozen chat apps everyone uses (whatsapp, telegram, signal, twitter dms, etc…) cover all the bases for me.
facetime is my phone replacement for calls, and in my situation it’s perfect… though i do understand that some may disagree.
silent link does also offer a plan that allows you to have a real phone number and accept inbound sms & voice calls, but i didn’t think that was necessary.
Daily sat spins on Fold app is a mini wealth hack if you have a 20+ year time horizon
Also just the sats back in general on purchases, great product
How much do you actually win on spinning the wheel? I usually see those times of schemes as a gimmick.
definitely gimmicky, but the barrier to entry is so low (opening an app) that it's worth for me...who knows, you might hit the 1 btc.. xD
I've stacked over 200k sats on spins in the span of ~1.5 years, not daily usage but pretty consistently. Not nearly using the app to its potential, only used the card to pay for things probably 5-10 times.
Not much, but i think well worth the minimal effort in a decade or so
  • Robosats app for buying btc
  • Phoenix LN node
  • Zeus LN app/RTL for own LN node
  • Deezy.io or boltz.exchange to swap LN<>onchain
  • Specter Desktop wallet
  • Silent Link for cellular data
  • Bitrefill for vouchers
  • Playing with Cashu and Nutstash to increase my privacy on LN (LN node > Cashu > service)
  • Looking forward to Mutiny wallet
Good list.
Good idea.
decided to set up a regular thread
"Regular thread" means what?
I was thinking it meant a Regular thread means periodic posts, with link to prior posts. Like the Daily discussion thread. But I'm not sure if that's what you meant by "regular thread".
yes, exactly.
it's not quite as frequent, but in the future we'll link back to the most recent post so people can follow along.
this was the first one we posted: #163412