With all the new new products, features, and experiments being launched in the Bitcoin/Lightning ecosystem lately, it can be really hard to keep up.
To fix this, we've decided to set up a regular thread specifically for sharing the projects that more people should know about.
It doesn't matter if you're a builder, a user, or a curious skeptic. Feel free to share guides, demos, or any other form of content to help Stacker News users learn why they need to give your favorite project a shot.
  • If you're a builder, share the latest releases from your project for SN users to test out
  • If you're a user, share your favorite apps that you think more people need to know about
  • If you're new to Bitcoin and Lightning, jump in with any questions you have about the products listed
A simple Mortgage calculator with Material UI layout https://mortgageapp.surge.sh/
Those who want to use liquid and want a quick and easy way to access a true DEX I highly recommend SideSwap app.
As did haha! On medium
I present SatsGpt - pay Sats and have the world class AI ChatGpt at your finger tips. https://t.me/SatsGptBot
Any feedback appreciated. I will write up a post soon as well
🌱Ahoro.org is a newly released online platform that offer financial services, such as microloans, to individuals, entrepreneurs, small businesses and organizations in low-income countries. To achieve this, they provide microloans in Bitcoin/Lightning, with the intention that repayment will also be made using the same currency and the Bitcoin Circular Economy.
We just released our #21DiasDeBitcoin, the Spanish version of the most successful course delivered via email. Check it out if you'd like to improve your Spanish Bitcoin Literacy or share it with your Spanish-speaking friends.
Vida’s new Lightning-powered live-streaming product is cool.
It basically lets you toggle payments on and off for various levels of participation on live video calls.
Hosts can choose to charge money for people to participate, watch, or send messages during the livestream, and you can split show earnings between hosts.
You also get 1080p local recordings from each host after the stream ends.
Another cool Bitcoin project that doesn’t get enough attention is Zaprite.
It’s the best invoicing app for bitcoin workers IMO, and it even alerts you in real-time when your payments are detected on the blockchain.
It should be definitely added on the node's marketplaces like Umbrel, Start9 etc...
True true and it is still free to use. Connects to your node or lnbits, etc. Very powerful
Here's what I've been working on:
https://sovryn.app - A web app for borrowing DLLR or ZUSD using BTC as collateral using the Zero protocol, and converting between DOC, ZUSD, and DLLR using the Mynt protocol
I am very focused on #BuildOnL2 projects
I made a tutorial on twitter on how to enter #LiquidNetwork sidechain using sideswap app.
Of course If you are running Elements software, configured for #LiquidNetwork sidechain. You can enter the #LiquidNetwork by yourself. But of course that adds complexity:
In sideswap the level of difficulty is very low. But it is much more centralized.
One use case I like of #LiquidNetwork sidechain is that the amounts and asset types are confidential. And that brings some privacy.
In Robosats a few people are using USDT to buy and sell bitcoin. And using banks with Chokepoint 2.0 , even banks apps like Revolut and etc..., will be almost impossible. The alternative will be to use regular exchanges as fiat on ramps. And that makes Liquid USDT very useful. Because using Robosats + Liquid USDT, adds a lot of privacy.
I also made a tutorial about this one.
Of course, Tether is not a perfect solution. And IMHO there is a strong use case for stable coins. And there a few projects that one should keep track, like FUJI Money.
In this post I covered three #BuildOnL2 projects and how they bring privacy and help to deal with Chokepoint 2.0.
  • #LiquidNetwork sidechain, with sidewap and Liquid USDT.
  • Robosats using Liquid USDT
  • FUJI Money
Great idea.
I posted this a couple of weeks back, concerning a Nostr based accounts system for LN, from the Shocknet team called Lightning.Pub -
It's still being built, and they're open to collaboration.
My newsletter is a twice-weekly roundup of all the important news, events, and trends related to Bitcoin, Lightning Network and Nostr. It's for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the week in week out developments. Each day I scan Twitter, Google News, Stacker News, Nostr, Reddit and other media and add the best bits to the newsletter. You can sign up here
We did something similar last year to keep track of all lightning projects and companies https://www.lightning-landscape.net/projects
Feel free to share your projects with the community!
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