I am very focused on #BuildOnL2 projects
I made a tutorial on twitter on how to enter #LiquidNetwork sidechain using sideswap app.
Of course If you are running Elements software, configured for #LiquidNetwork sidechain. You can enter the #LiquidNetwork by yourself. But of course that adds complexity:
In sideswap the level of difficulty is very low. But it is much more centralized.
One use case I like of #LiquidNetwork sidechain is that the amounts and asset types are confidential. And that brings some privacy.
In Robosats a few people are using USDT to buy and sell bitcoin. And using banks with Chokepoint 2.0 , even banks apps like Revolut and etc..., will be almost impossible. The alternative will be to use regular exchanges as fiat on ramps. And that makes Liquid USDT very useful. Because using Robosats + Liquid USDT, adds a lot of privacy.
I also made a tutorial about this one.
Of course, Tether is not a perfect solution. And IMHO there is a strong use case for stable coins. And there a few projects that one should keep track, like FUJI Money.
In this post I covered three #BuildOnL2 projects and how they bring privacy and help to deal with Chokepoint 2.0.
  • #LiquidNetwork sidechain, with sidewap and Liquid USDT.
  • Robosats using Liquid USDT
  • FUJI Money