NYKNYB is for sure a big one…it’s hard for newcomers to even understand why someone would need to take custody themselves. Relying on third parties is so deeply ingrained.
And my problem seems to be understanding proper terminology lol
The best recent example of a guy not understanding this basic rule is Hotep at BTC2023
There are definitely some people that don't feel comfortable around tech. They still have a flip phone and need their kid to program the tv remote, but I think the vast majority of people that are like this guy don't want the responsibility. Can't tell if it's laziness, ignorance or fear keeping people out but they 100% don't want to be made/held responsible.
that was a bad look...and at a bitcoin conference too.
I know many people (normies) that think exactly the same. And that is the most sad thing.
My hope is that bitcoin restores that sense of individuality back into the world.
We’ve all become so complacent relying on others to take care of things for us that we don’t realize how much of ourselves we give up to other people.
A world that provides the tools necessary for us to easily take ownership over our lives and future, I think, will be a far more beautiful place, aesthetically, psychologically, and spiritually
We’ve become authoritarian and collectivist just like last 80-year cycle with communism and fascism. It’s the same thing over again. Too much reliance on the state- which leads to destruction.
Again we are coming to the end of a cycle, (2030) This time let’s make Liberty last a little longer.
We have been making progress and our tools are much better- if we have the courage to use them.