Anyone else tired of all these mega conspiracy theorists?
The planned debasement of money and the cantillon-effect that is often discussed? O please, if You like to see real grifters watch the representatives in power and tell me again that the critics are conspiracy theorists. Or the climate bs - we need to even fight them harder!
You mean theories like covid started in a lab, or that Hillary created the Trump Russia thing, or that Joe Biden got money from Burisma? That kind of stuff?
Yes. But Bitcoin is anti-establishment and forever in oppositions as long as governments use fiat money. Otherwise they would be small and likely there wouldn't be any ground for conspiracies.
No, I would prefer to deal with people who have a healthy (sometimes unhealthy) distrust in the systems and institutions that govern (manage) and disseminate information into our world, even if I don't agree with them, as apposed to the folks that blindly listen and follow everything the government, bureaucracy, media, scientific community say as axioms.
Now there is a line. When you get into some of the Alex Jones territory shit where he is profiteering off fomenting distrust, hate and physical threat towards people that's beyond my line.
Argumentum ad verecundiam is a convenient drug that should be taken in moderation.
better than commies.
There are definitely some nutters in the bitcoin space. There's also some nutters in the fist space and shitcoin space.