i was there this year. and many times before.
avoid all online offers. there are a lot of scams going on.
the el salvador real estate market is only accessible locally. you can either speak spanish or you take a native speaker with you. go out and explore the areas where you want to buy and look for 'se vende' signs. call the number in spanish and make an appointment. you can also hire a local real estate agent but unfortunately there are also many scammers. i recommend to qualify them locally.
in my opinion everyone who goes to a new country should rent first. rent for 6 months or for a year, then decide in which area you want to live. if you are sure that you want to stay, you should buy.
el salvador is not for everyone. i prefer mexico
👆 This man is correct. I'm from El Salvador myself.
It's a local-only market. Be cautious with anything you see online advertising property there.
This might change as external investment increases in coming years, but as of 2023, this is the situation.
Sounds like good advice.
And if you want to see what ppl are offering online/what's on the market for foreign buyers (i.e for the other side of the story), I have found this twitter account interesting:
Exactly. Rent first! This applies to any foreign country. Rent first to be sure of the area you want. Chances are very high you will get a way better deal (and avoid scams) by taking the time getting to know some locals. I've learned this first hand.
Goodlife fixes all of these issues. Just bought a lot with them as third parties. Great experience.