I would offer this to the original poster:
These feelings will overwhelm you if left to ruminate. The world has always been difficult. People once died from the flu or diarrhea. No one ever realizes how good they have it. You largely do not fear a local clan taking your wives and daughters anymore. Find good men, older and wiser, and fellowship with them. Maybe a fraternal organization or community group. They will show you where true happiness is. To be a good father and husband. To bless the world with good children and future leaders. You will learn to not seek happiness in labor, but you will labor to bring happiness to your family. The ant does not quit making hills because someone stepped on it. He toils to make another because he is an ant and his work is needed. Your type of work does not define you, but how you work does.
Those are very wise words! Family and community will always be more fulfilling than most jobs.
At the same time, I do think a few decades ago jobs had more meaning than today, and the OP is taking a very brave first step in saying "okay, most jobs are bullshit anyway so let me find the easiest one so I can have money for what truly matters".