I'd love to start migrating all my notes to Obsidian. I could see myself OBSESSED by the idea of a "second brain". Then to ctrl+F through it. Or feed an onprem AI with it to talk to myself lol.
But I can't do it, I would waste my whole life writing and journaling my whole brain into it. I also read the exact same sentiment here on SN before, so I'm probably not the only one.
I have a 2nd brain with Obsidian, loving it! You start learning so much... Having a journal with the calendar plugin, then I use the PARA Method to organize (Journal ends up as a folder inside of 2 Areas folder). The graph view I hardly use though. 1 Projects 2 Areas 3 Resources 4 Archive
My 2 sats: I would say ignore the second brain stuff. Just take whatever notes you need to take and you don't need to care about structure or whatever. Obsidian is just a great tool to edit markdown files, the UI looks good and it has a great set of shortcuts to make that effective.
For example I don't think I have ever used the Graph visualization of your notes that they sell everywhere...