I really enjoy using obsidian.md, espcially since it let's do many things fast. Here are some of the top shortcuts I like to use, some standard, but a bunch of them custom. I'm using 2 plugins to enable those: Shortcuts Extender, and Code Editor Shortcuts.

Standard and really useful shortcuts

  • Use tab to indent the item in the list more, use shift+tab to un-indent.
  • Use cmd+I to make the text italics
  • Use cmd+B to make the text bold
  • Use cmd+K to add a link or make existing text into a link
  • Use cmd+, to open Settings (works in any app on MacOS)
  • Use cmd+shift+8 to create a bullet list (if you use it on existing text it makes it bulleted)

Obsidian Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

  • cmd+P - Open Command Pallete to issue any command (matched with VSCode)
  • cmd+shift+P - Open Quick Picker to pick files (matched with VSCode)
  • cmd+return - toggle a checkbox (this used to be default, but now needs custom)
  • cmd+R - Navigate Back (to previous document)
  • cmd+shift+B - Toggle left sidebar
  • cmd+shift+H - Toggle right sidebar
  • cmd+shift+M - Move current file to another folder
  • cmd+shift+R - Reveal the current file in the browser on the left
  • cmd+shift+9 - Create a checkbox list
  • cmd+shift+T - Insert template (either Templater or default)
  • cmd+shift+N - Split view to the right
  • cmd+D - Select word occurence with multiline editing cursor (using Code Editor Shortcuts)
  • cmd+shift+UP - Move line up (using Code Editor Shortcuts)
  • cmd+shift+DOWN - Move line down (using Code Editor Shortcuts)
  • cmd+shift+D - Duplicate the current line (using Code Editor Shortcuts)
  • option+cmd+1 - Heading 1 (using Shortcuts Extender)
  • option+cmd+2 - Heading 2 (using Shortcuts Extender)
  • option+cmd+3 - Heading 3 (using Shortcuts Extender)
  • cmd+shift+F - Omnisearch (needs Omnisearch plugin)
  • cmd+W - Close active pane


  • cmd+shift+B+H - hide both sidebars (using above shortcuts)
  • hold cmd, hit D, hit K, hit V - highlight just written word, linkify it and paste URL from clipboard
I'd love to start migrating all my notes to Obsidian. I could see myself OBSESSED by the idea of a "second brain". Then to ctrl+F through it. Or feed an onprem AI with it to talk to myself lol.
But I can't do it, I would waste my whole life writing and journaling my whole brain into it. I also read the exact same sentiment here on SN before, so I'm probably not the only one.
I have a 2nd brain with Obsidian, loving it! You start learning so much... Having a journal with the calendar plugin, then I use the PARA Method to organize (Journal ends up as a folder inside of 2 Areas folder). The graph view I hardly use though. 1 Projects 2 Areas 3 Resources 4 Archive
My 2 sats: I would say ignore the second brain stuff. Just take whatever notes you need to take and you don't need to care about structure or whatever. Obsidian is just a great tool to edit markdown files, the UI looks good and it has a great set of shortcuts to make that effective.
For example I don't think I have ever used the Graph visualization of your notes that they sell everywhere...
Nice, was just about to start using Obsidian again, any other good plugins you use?
Yeah, there's couple I like
  • Advanced Tables
  • Dataview
  • File Diff (since I'm using syncthing to sync files, sometimes there's a conflict - this makes it super easy to merge)
  • Hider (to get rid of the left ribbon, scrollbars and sidebar icons)
  • Natural language dates (essentially I just use it to write @today and it replaces it with like 2023-06-19)
  • Remember Cursor Position
  • Templater
Interesting, can this be an alternative to notion?
Used Obsidian a lot, really cool stuff.
Notion is project management / productivity overall while Obsidian is oriented around note taking with Markdown, kinda like an own personal Wiki.
kinda like an own personal Wiki.
Well, I also use Notion like my own personal wiki haha
Will give Obsidian a shot