stacking since: #193385
You may know me as a community moderator for the GrapheneOS project. Posts made before January 2024 were from before this.
This is a personal account, I do not speak on behalf of GrapheneOS developers. Likewise, do you have a question about GrapheneOS? Then I am here to help, @ me if you need advice.

Brief profile FAQ

  • Why only you on SN? I used SN prior to what I do for GrapheneOS when researching cryptocurrencies for past work. Today I communicate on SN and Nostr to help outreach and support for GOS users outside of the official platforms as support for GrapheneOS in them are quite high. These are often not platforms I use in my day-to-day life. I'd say I know a well amount about Bitcoin but I am not loyal or maximalist by any means. I use what I like.
  • Why do you only talk about GrapheneOS? I am not very social. I don't use social media and I am a bit awkward when it comes to it, there isn't much about me worth talking about.
  • Why are your replies long? Explaining security/privacy in-depth can be exhaustive and often leaves holes for certain threat models. I reply to try and cover most broad cases or explain the background or approach on things as well. It is better to be longer if it means guaranteeing a correct answer.
  • Why does GrapheneOS not use LN/Nostr/[Insert thing here]? Security, infrastructure, people constraints.
  • What do you do? Community management and social platform moderation. Outside of GOS, mobile security research. I have a background in mobile forensics.
  • Are you an industry/government insider? I get asked this a lot... No.
If there is anything I missed, feel free to ask me.
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Welcome. Stay humble, stack sats.
Welcome aboard!
Hello @final 👋
Welcome to the platform!
It's full of quality content so read and learn, try to contribute by adding good content.
Here are some intro articles that you need to go through in order to get familiar with the platform and its ideology:
I stay open for any questions or comments you might have.