I don't like arguing or un-training people's minds.
I've probably passively orange pilled people though. Mostly by
  1. remaining consistent and confident in bitcoin for a long time
  2. if they come visit Austin, douse them in passionate bitcoiners such that social proof orange pills them for me
IME orange pilling is a long process. I attempted to orange pill one recent new friend and he went full altcoin trader. I pleaded with him to just hodl half of it in bitcoin so he'd learn his lesson at a 50% discount but he wouldn't do it. "I need a 1000x man. Bitcoin isn't going to 1000x again." I haven't talked to him in a long time. I imagine he got rekt during the FTX stuff. I suspect next bull run he'll finally understand.
That's a great approach.
I'm currently in the process of orange pilling my cousins. Furthest they've dabbled is buying shiba inu at the top of the bull market.
Will keep at it...
You realize that with SN you orange pilled hundreds, right?
Oh good point lol forgot about that
I had a neighbor that bought nearly a whole coin a few years back when it was under $10k. I was very surprised to hear because he didn't seem the type. He told me he transferred it to a company that promises to algo trade it for you. I cut him off mid-sentence. Literally begged him to withdraw whatever he had. He's like no I'm making 0.5% per day, etc. One month later, the CEO disappears in South America with all of the funds.
I was very fortunate to meet a bitcoin OG maximalist at work very early on. It also helped that he was nice about it and not preachy and judgmental.