You should consider integrating a mind-reading library.
šŸ˜‚ What was the term you used and what were you searching for? It's good to have cases to test when I tune search.
I'll let you know the next time I'm searching for something and how I think it should have showed up. I can't remember exactly what I was doing at the time, I should have mentioned it when I wrote my original comment...
One thing I was searching for that I couldn't find was this 'daily discussion thread'. I searched for 'daily' and didn't see it come up for me to find this post. There was something more specific I was looking for before that that prompted me to find this thread because I thought maybe the behavior changed because of indexing.
It shows up in reverse chronological order, but doesn't include the latest so I needed to grep like an animal
Ah, I see what you mean. I can definitely improve that search.
Here's something that is somewhat maddening: The "Daily Discussion Thread" doesn't show up at all in the 'recent' tab, nor in the 'top' results, so if you are looking for a particular date and its not showing up in search, you just have to keep scrolling through the main page's list.