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The "bubble" he was referring to was when the bitcoin price jumped 5X in a matter of months and the BTC/USD had reached the melt-your-face level of something like $1.20 or such.
Months ago there was a post on SN regarding Requests for comment:
Requests for comment - Wikipedia considers to stop accepting cryptocurrency donations #7732 https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Stop_accepting_cryptocurrency_donations
Really interesting to read the discussion here. There’s some solid and cogent push back from informed Bitcoiners. But ultimately, it seems that people voted based on their prior beliefs.
If you scroll through the actual votes, almost every vote in favour of ending Bitcoin support cites the environmental concern. So, still the biggest FUD then.
I really value Wikipedia, and have donated monthly to them for years (via recurring debit card payment). Just cancelled that, and did a full year donation via their Bitpay. Will continue to value Wikipedia but will have to stop donating once they actually remove Bitcoin support.