I love and use Coinkite's products too but agree that I don't always agree with NVK. I don't know if you follow the drama with Foundation Devices, but NVK was not good to them at all. I can find a good article about that if anyone is interested.
Yep that drama occurred around the same time that I was having trouble reproducing their builds. You can say that everything coalesced to and made me realize Coinkite is not a company I wish to support any further.
You should post the article since someone else in this thread was asking for more details.
For those wondering the discussion that took place between Foundation Devices and Coinkite/NVK, here is the blog post from the founder of Foundation Devices: https://www.zherbert.com/an-open-letter-to-nvk-and-coldcard/
If anyone has the response, if any, from NVK, I'd be interested in reading that too.