We're looking for some new summer reading recommendations, so we figured it would be fun to collect all of your best recommendations in this thread. So without further ado, a few questions for all the readers out there:
  • What are your favorite books (any topic) of all-time?
  • What are the essential Bitcoiner books that all stackers should read?
  • What are your favorite blogs or newsletters?
  • Do you regularly read any newspapers or journals?
  • Favorite book of all time: Luther's Commentary on Galatians. The amount of intellectual and emotional energy packed into this book is amazing. 1517.org publishes a great translation by a court reporter(!).
  • Mastering Bitcoin, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos. Great basis for further study.
  • I find Bitcoin Audible does a fine job in choosing worthy blog posts for me.
  • I read the Austrian put out by mises.org regularly.
(the pope has secretly entered the thread) JK JK. I haven't read Commentary on Galations, but I read Bondage of the Will in high school and it had a affected me a lot. Can't remember too much but I know it really got the gears turning inside.
My favorite book is The Life Of Mary As Seen by The Mystic by A. Brown
all time favorites: blood meridian (rip cormac), grapes of wrath, sometimes a great notion, slaughter house five, fear and loathing in las vegas, and 1984.
right now i'm reading the first law trilogy by joe ambercrombie. i'm probably about 70% through the first book, and digging it so far. would definitely recommend if you like fantasy
If you like golf or are learning to golf, my all time favorites are
  • Golf is Not a Game of Perfect (Bob Rotella); instructional
  • Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book (Harvey Penick); instructional
  • The Match (Mark Frost); historical non-fiction
What are your favorite books (any topic) of all-time?
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It was written in 1936 and it's still one of the best
What are the essential Bitcoiner books that all stackers should read?
The whitepaper really. If you want to read it as a book, there is a nice annotated version here. Feels nice to read it in print.
What are your favorite blogs or newsletters?
Do you regularly read any newspapers or journals?
Not really. Attention is key to building your life, so I try to keep mine aligned with my current goals, not the goals of 3rd parties.
How to Win Friends and Influence People really transformed how I approach people in life & business.
Jeff Booth's The Greatest Game always stuck with me after reading that one.
-The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying ( by Sogyal Rinpoche ) -The Bitcoin Standard ( Saifedean Ammous ) -Bitcoin Magazine -Yes via Reeder app.
Daemon by Daniel Suarez Catch-22 by Joseph Heller The Brothers K by David James Duncan Tortilla Flats by John Steinbeck Gameplayers of Zan by M A Foster Europe Central by William Vollmann Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller Patternmaster by Octavia Butler The Flashman Papers, George MacDonald Fraser
Hard to pick one, but “Where Good Ideas Come From” and “How We Got To Now” by Steven Johnson are both great reads.
Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor Frankl
Recently re-read (or rather re-listened) to the Stormlight Archives books by Brandon Sanderson.
If you're a listener of audiobooks I would check out https://www.graphicaudio.net - dramatized with actors, music and sound effects :) Very good!
My favorite book is Atlas Shrugged from Ayn Rand, it changed my life at 25 - now multiple years ago
I heard Daily Wire got the rights to make an Atlas Shrugged series. That would be cool if they do it well.
I enjoyed it a lot, but I also wish it were shorter. Has anyone ever rewritten it to be more concise?
I also liked The Fountainhead.
The Ego and its Own by Max Stirner is a non-bitcoin book i think bitcoiners should read.
  • Chickenhawk from Robert Mason, a Vietnam war veteran who flew "Slicks" (Hueys in transport roles).
  • already bought the book but still have to read: "With The Old Breed" from E. B. Sledge who was part of the 1st Marine Division in the Pacific theater during WWII. The miniseries "The Pacific" is based primarily on these memoirs by Eugene Sledge and "Helmet for My Pillow" by Robert Leckie.
Books: Lord of the Rings 1984 Helmet For My Pillow Bitcoin Standard The Bible (Book of Genesis especially) US Declaration of Independence + Constitution
I'll occasionally use Google Scholar to find academic articles on whatever topic interests me that day.
Cat's Cradle is a blast. If you want fun summer reading, it's hard to go wrong with Vonnegut.
The only newsletter I really like is from Tom Woods. They're well written and just focused on one thought per email.
As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, so I don't have favorite books. However, I can provide you with a list of some widely acclaimed and influential books across various genres:
"1984" by George Orwell "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari Please note that this is just a small selection from the vast array of literary works available. There are many more incredible books out there, and individual preferences may vary based on personal interests and tastes
I favorite book is The brigade of Gurkhas
Dune by Frank Herbert. Rich, dark and intricate science fiction. More readable than people would have you believe.
I started the year with Jane Austen: Mansfield Park, Northhanger Abbey, and Sense and Sensibility. All so good. Made me realize why she is so revered.
Listened to American Prometheus (the Oppenheimer book) because the movie is coming out and I wanted to feel smarter than everyone else. Really long, but he is an fascinating person that I knew nothing about.
At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O-Brien that I bought while visiting Ireland earlier this year. A surrealist novel by a contemporary of James Joyce. Fun, funky, boozy novel.
32 Christians Who Changes Their World by Glenn Sunshine. Really interesting look at lesser known Christian figures who made huge impact. Very broad minded with no chronological snobbery. Includes christian kings and shows that they did some great things for their people and the world.
Professional React Native. For work projects. I get why React Native gets hate if you hate Javascript, but it is incredible that you can build full featured native apps with React. Also, I usually am doing backend telecom/voip stuff, so doing frontend is fun for me.
Still working my way through Designing Data-Intensive Application. Really well written and explains things so so well.
I recommend "Blood Covenant" by Michael Franzese as well as "Hell's Economy" by Joseph Z
I'm looking for some good fiction books to get glued to for a few days! recommendations?
If you need to quit smoking/vaping/nicotine then read Alan Carr's Easy way to quit smoking. Absolute game changer for me. If you want to build better habits. Atomic habits by James Clear. If you need help with crippling anxiety, slaying your fear by Adam Smith. And if you just want fiction. Frank Herbert - Dune. Then may as well follow on the rest of the series.