if you also include software:
  • GIT
  • SQL
  • Bash
  • JS
Pornhub has 13 years about
But it doesn't look the same as 13 years ago. A lot more high res content for starters ;)
Obviously a joke :)
but yeh now I'm serious and really thought about your question.
I'm not sure if you can consider it like technology but I retain when you disrupt your industry with a new thing , doesn't mean it has to be made by chip or CPU or RAM , I mean , when its disruptive so much ,that's a new technology.
This came out in 89' and I'm pretty sure many people still love it and its never changed from.
And this technology is a AIR from Nike AIR Max.
So it's basically just "thin air" revolutionised an entire industry.. :)
Bash! I love it. I use it everyday.
Yeah, but software gets updated. Git had a vulnerability earlier this year for instance. So not the same IMO unless you're running a 10yo version of the code.