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If it has a paywall, why would I tip your post sats? I have to spend that money on the paywall. Even more insulting when its a FIAT paywall rather than a lightning enabled paywall.
Twitter has also blocked content for people who don't have Twitter accounts, but if you have a Twitter account, you probably follow these posts already anyway, making your SN link to it spam for non Twitter users.
This has been my opinion on what I think should be added to the definition of "spam" and why I will ignore a post you probably think is pretty good and under other circumstances would get a zap tap.
If you insist on posting a twatter link at least adjust it to a nitter relay so that the rest of us don't have to suffer the spywall
Or just have the decency to actually share some actual content rather than posting a link and hoping to profit from someone else's content with zero commentary added.
to your point that twatter now blocks the content, indeed, nitter no longer works
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NEWS: Twitter's web version no longer allows users to browse without logging in. All urls redirect to the signup page. This is believed to be a measure to make it harder for scrapers to take Twitter's data, like ChatGPT's web browsing plugin has been doing. It is understandable that Twitter wants to protects its data from being taken for free, though this move undoubtedly reduces Twitter's reach and exposure from external links/embeds, as well as raising some privacy concerns. Hopefully a better solution can be found longer term.
This latest move by Twitter is likely linked to Elon discovering earlier this month that ChatGPT can scrape Twitter data via its web extension. Elon previously cut off ChatGPT's access to Twitter data, and has begun a lawsuit against OpenAI/Microsoft. OPINION: Although some of this is understandable, Twitter should atleast let users open links without signing in. A good compromise could be letting them see a few comments and tempt them to discover more which prompts them to sign up or sign in.
Lol Twitter fighting with ChatGPT who gets to use data created by users, and making it shittier for users to create content you really can't make this stuff up
It looks like since a few hours ago they have completely blocked the site for non-logged in viewers, and the Nitter instances have stopped working as well. If this is going to be permanent, I agree: Twitter is now a private club for the blue checks and links to it should be considered spam.
Twitter digging its own grave
It and reddit seem to want to know asap if they have a workable business or not.
This is super unfortunate - I won't be sharing Twitter links to anyone anymore.
I saw that they've now blocked access to viewing twitter unless signed up/in. Too bad, I used to like getting a quick summary of what's happening instead of spending too much time scrolling through my feeds. Oh well
they will force everyone to have a sign and be traceable. But here in Brazil, with Lula da Silva, a communist who controls the police, judiciary and press, the smartest thing is to be invisible.
Twitter just started blocking for me too. Very disappointing route. I guess it's a beneficial thing in a personal privacy sense but when it comes to public discussion any utility for Twitter is completely out of the window now. Glad I don't use it.
Rest in peace Twitter, long live Nostr!
After one day using the #amethystapp on my amdroid phone, I was thinking the same exact thing... #nostr is definitely the thing, Twitter is slowly decaying just like the dollar and Fiat as a whole as more and more people realize how manipulated we all have been..
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This post was featured on This Day in Stacker News as the top post of the day.
So first they close the API, then they close content to logged in users only, then they rate limit you, Twitter is really going down hill pretty soon it will only be the influencers holding on to their vanity metrics and the bot accounts lol
What about using https://archive.today? So archiving the twitter page you want to share and share the archive url.
if it works.. is definitely better than posting a dead/broken twatter link
most twatter links here are pointless though, it's often a link to a post that links to something else!