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If someone blocks your car (protestors), is it a crime of entrapment? Does it justify using force to push through them? Does it justify, for example, spraying them with OC spray to disperse them?
Lawyer opinion welcome :)
Look, all I know is if my life feels threatened, I will use deadly force. If the car is surrounded I might get a little scared, but if people start banging on windows and hitting the car with their hands or other things, I'm using my car as a weapon to defend myself.
In most places in the US this is the answer. If you hurt/kill someone with the vehicle you will have to argue in court why you thought your life was in great bodily harm or death. If you can't convince a jury that you feared for your life, you are going to have a bad time.
Right, which is why I was very clear with my answer that it was a situation where there was an obvious danger present.
There's a difference between danger to your property (someone smashing your window) and a physical danger to you - clear actions, intention to hurt you, a threatening movement with deadly weapon, etc. That would be closely evaluated in front of a court. Most of western systems try balancing the magnitudes of action and reaction.
And there's also a difference between smashing a window and smashing a window that you are directly behind.
If I'm in the car and someone smashes my window
Look, we're not in a court room, but lets just say, don't do stupid shit just because you think you can get away with it. Whether its legal or not, people will act how they feel they MUST act to live.
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6
Yep. And if you wait too long, people surrounding your car can lift it up and immobilize you depending on how big your car is.
So simple holding you in place doesnt allow for physical removal of them? Pulling them to the side of the road for example
Legally it does not, plus if you touch them at all they could claim you assaulted them. Plus that puts you in a very risky situation since they can now very easily attack you.
Staying in your vehicle is a good idea because it's a barrier between you and the people blocking your vehicle. Also if someone then tries to break into your vehicle that will make it easier to convince a jury that you were afraid if they got into your vehicle they were going to hurt you.
If you are in a situation like that in the USA, stay in your car and call the police. If anyone tries break into your car and you feel like your life is in danger, drive away as fast as you can, even if that means using your vehicle as a weapon.
Lets say they dont, thy just block. Imagine "Stop the gas" ecotards not violent BLM mob.
In this case my life wouldn't feel threatened, so I wouldn't feel the need to use force. Its an annoyance, not a life threatening situation.
What if you were not in car? Just a group of people surrounding your person?
Why are they surrounding my person? I would try my best to get out of that crowd before the mood of that crowd shifted from "lets hold a sign" to "lets burn a building" lol
You exhale CO2 like that car :P :P you are enemy.
What I did was try my best planning around it. E.g. I did move from place to place over night, when you can actually clean up blockades, etc. I have one fun experience in being in Uber in between heavy armed police and the protestors and the police started shooting tear gas, so my Uber driver had to pull up windows...
The protests often look scarier than they actually are. On TV you see only the scariest stuff. Also pay attention to the schedule - there are usually specific days on which people protest.
It's definitely not entrapment. That's when the police lure you into committing a crime just they can arrest you.
I have heard that blocking in someone's car can be considered kidnapping, if they are trapping you inside.
The main thing to bear in mind, though, is that it is only a crime if the system allows it to be one. In most cases, the system will side with the protestors over you if you do anything to disperse them.
I personally consider it tantamount to a violent threat (especially after several motorists were dragged from their vehicles and beaten by "protestors" during the Summer of Love) and people are morally justified to do what they need to get to safety.
Correct. I think it would technically fall under kidnapping if you are unlawfully held against your will.
you are right.
oh my god more psych eval
put them all in jail without giving them $200
Call the police
what if they dont care?
Call the news
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cant leave if blocked lol
Ah... xD yeah
Well, its never happened to me so I don't know how I'd react. I'd like to think I'd remain calm & wait for them to leave, but if they get violent I'd have to leave. Slowly & serious that I'm going through. Not many will really have the courage to end their life over X
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Just curious seeing all those retards blocking roads. I never been in situation but its infuriating and Im curious what could be done.
why is it infuriating?
blocked roads are a fact of life.
if you don't like it, you can always get a bike. or walk. or leave more time to get to your destination.
Checks watch, "Better leave early in case someone decides to block the road today."
No I cant. I cant leave car on the road and walk away. Im trapped
I've been in that situation. I had to wait, like everyone else.
it's just a fact, if you drive anywhere, something can always happen to massively delay your journey (accident, breakdown, congestion, protest, whatever)
try touching some grass 😎
"Assault: While assault primarily refers to the intentional act of causing apprehension of harmful or offensive contact, it can also involve restraining someone's movement or impeding their ability to leave a particular location."
Satisfies this imo
"accident, breakdown, congestion" - are all outside of their control. Doesnt apply
People protest for legitimate reasons, but these eco terrorist protst with sole purpose to block traffic. Its immoral (blocking suppliers, ambulances) and a dick move.
Simply accepting it is a way, sure, but it wasnt my question.
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Brainwashed into thinking there is climate emergency and virtue signaling "Im helping the best cause".
Like, if someone would surround you and block you from leaving, its clear entrapment. But if you are in a car, suddenly it isnt because you can ....leave?
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