OH THANK SATOSHI! Not sure how I missed that post. Has anyone taken him up on his offer to run his SN account?
  • have a SN account for at least 3 months older
  • have at least 50 posts on SN and 100 comments, to prove me with your writings that you are on the same page as DarthCoin and not a grifty shitcoiner. So I can read them and decide if you are the chosen one.
  • you have at least some good basic knowledge about how Bitcoin and LN works and could give good answers to noobs here. if I see only once the word "crypto" in your SN comments, you are disqualified instantly.
  • you are a moral person, that use bitcoin and treat bitcoin use with morality (if you do not understand what that I refer to means you didn't paid attention to my old comments here and that is 50 points less for you).
  • present me a letter of intention (responding to this post) where I can see your "wording" and you are not a shitGPT. Don't send me 10 pages of wall text from shitGPT. You will be blasted instantly.
  • This offer is valid until Wed 14 June 2023 12:00 UTC.
This makes sense. He went missing last year too around this time, through the end of July. I'm sure he's cooking up something good.
It is tradition in the lands of the East to go visit the Farm and see Baba and Deda during summer. I suppose he has younglings he dragged out with him too.
No. It was determined none of us knew the ways of the darkside like Darth.