So you're telling me that with about 50,000$ you'll be able to leave your country and start a live elsewhere? How are you going to pay expenses with only 50k$? Even in the most remote country with the cheapest living costs possible you'll need much more than that, even if you keep taking small amounts every now and then there's no guarantee (sadly) it won't collapse and converting might not even be an option after.
You'd be surprised at how much $50k gets you in developing countries.
Oh believe me, I know, but it won't get you far, specially if you want to stay connect with the rest of the world. I went to a country in Africa as a volunteer and even thought the people, food and view ws amazing, you couldn't stay in touch in a stable way. Maybe you are today, with easy access to Starlink, but not then. And even with 50k$ in a country like this, won't get you an eternity...
I doubt he needs an eternity, just a second chance in a place that respects property rights, civil liberties, etc (not sure which country he lives in or what makes it shitty but it's usually those things). My parents fled a shitty country for a much better country and all they had was two suitcases, two kids, and $500.
Agreed, although it does depend on the place and the person, hopefully he makes it, just not for the worse!