I use visa gift cards for almost everything and I don't find it expensive (there is no activation fee with thebitcoincompany.com) but it is hard.
Also, I don't think it counts as living without a bank. Every visa gift card you buy is essentially another bank account. It's an anonymous one, but it's still a bank account.
If you're like me and you live by endlessly buying visa gift cards, you're not living without banks...you've got more bank accounts than almost anyone else.
Sounds like a real pain to remember how much is left on a bunch of cards. Do you have some system?
I agree with that, I personally don't have a system. Some cards have a website to check and some just old skool 1-800-how-much-cash-do-I-have-left...
True. Would be nice if the bitcoin co could offer an API for this
100% "... you've got more bank accounts then almost anyone else..." Touche, and not a single one is in your name :-) Yeah, that's what I meant. If one cannot open bank account like we have seen in Nigel's case use an anonymous one the way you described with the bitcoin company dot com (thanks for tip BTW, this is a new one for me). Be "un-freezable" because you know that they will go first after your bank, just ask Canadian trucker... I realize banks will not disappear tomorrow, too many "banksters" are involved but I'm trying to reduce my footprint and be less dependent on them. In the "developed" countries like US/UK etc. it seems like the got us by the ballz...lol. Hope we can change that.
How are gift cards bank accounts? Maybe they simply use someone else's
Maybe they simply use someone else's
I think you just answered your own question