I've read the article now. He makes some very good points.
I still don't understand the drama though. In the context of what he's getting across, there ARE imbeciles in Bitcoin.
Just look at all the SN posts promoting web3, shitcoins, and twatter links!
Very few contributors actually create original content.
Even fewer bother to research and put forward a viewpoint outside of their bubble.
The "outside of the bubble" thing is a key impediment for growth, I think. Most of the action (including on SN) is regurgitating the usual talking points from the usual btc celebrities doing the rounds on the same old podcasts. The level of bitcoiners engaging with the world -- meaning, thoughtful people who have original things to say -- seems to have peaked around 2016. With a handful of notable exceptions since then, it's been an echo chamber.
In 2013, let's say, if you ran into a bitcoiner, the ensuing conversation would likely change how you viewed reality. If you run into a bitcoiner now, the conversation is likely to make you think that bitcoin must be a scam, to have such vapid imbeciles as champions.
I think the drama goes to his assertion that bitcoin fails as a protocol. His point that unlike gold, it must be tended to and nurtured or it dies. To me, the heart of his criticism goes to properties that existed when he wrote the forward. Bitcoin didn't change. He did.
aha. such sensitivity. much doge.
he's totally right of course - bitcoin needs nurturing, or it does die.
and you are totally right also, nothing changed in bitcoin.
if only such "outrage" at online opinions could be directed towards positive outcomes..
such as education, and adoption.