But its supposed to be. Bitcoin is proper sound money backed by energy. The exciting part is what sound money can mean for us as a society.
Just a thought I randomly had.
What excites you most about Bitcoin?
I saw your title and thought to myself, "I like boring."
Boring means stable and solid. Yes, maybe unpredictable too, although one could make a solid argument that Bitcoin is anything other than predictable. And if you want to look further out into the crypto space in general, the drama is off the charts. Way better than any soap opera with mystery, villains, back-stabbing, success stories, failure stories, life-affirming stories, etc.
What excites me about Bitcoin now? the rise of sats and how they are increasingly growing in use cases. I'm convinced that one day we'll all be denominating things in sats.
I would say what makes bitcoin unpredictable is the "volatility" of its valuation in fiat. After getting wrecked in shitcoins at the beginning of my journey, I love that bitcoin is "boring". It gives me a sense of security and confidence when I buy.
boringchads rise up
Great comment. I like a bit of volatility in my life except in lovers, bikes and Bitcoin.
Not saying I don’t like those things running hot every once in a while…. but I prefer stable and predictable overall.
Independence of any middlemen to use my own money.
It works 24/7, as it should, not like some random fiat world stuff that somehow stops working properly on weekends.
Everytime a shitcoiner says Bitcoin is boring I just think, "yeah I guess anxiety over whether the next thing you bought will tank in price tomorrow never to be remembered again or getting rug pulled or the devs leaving your shiny new token, etc etc, would be pretty exciting wouldn't it? Call me an old man though, that's a little too much excitement for me"
True, it is boring.
But the effect it’s having in the world is fascinating. Who would have thought a single white paper would have caused the most revolutionary thing we’ve seen in years.
Not to me! Bitcoin is exciting, fascinating and empowering.
I’m excited about everything I’ve learned across multiple subjects (computing, economics, history, psychology, cryptography, etc.) since deciding to take a hard long look at Bitcoin. All efforts channelled by the starting point that is the Bitcoin rabbit hole.
P.S. But I get what you’re saying and agree. Bitcoin can be paradoxical sometimes ;)
“Bitcoin is proper sound money backed by energy.” -Ganjamon
^^^ That in itself sounds not very boring :)
for something so boring, its certainly captivated my every waking hour for longer than just about any other topic
I don't think bitcoin is boring, not to me at least but I can see what people mean by that way of looking at it. It is deeply fascinating to me still. Maybe some day it will be boring but not yet.
I'm most excited by all of the innovation that bitcoin will make possible.
Watch what they're building above btc. It's more than exciting!
It will be boring.
I'm looking forward to seeing the fruits of lightning + other "layer 2" tech making BTC more private & cheap to use. This area is definitely not boring!
Its a feature not a bug
Hard money was always boring, so much so that being a banker in the days of the gold standard was a smooth and constant thing. You had some points that always had to be taken care of, but if you didn't risk too much, things flowed normally.
I don't want my money to be exciting
Next decade you see, people say it Bitcoin is intresting! We are still early.
If it's not illegal like certain mind altering substances.
I bet there will be a handful of countries doing that.
Indonesia declared that using bitcoin is like using illegal drugs already.
Still don't like the idea certain chemical compounds from nature can be banned from my personal opinion though...
It makes me sovereign of my assets
It's deflationary properties...
Boring is the point....
I like boring.
Boring means that I know what's going to happen, not surprises on the path.
By the way, I did a couple of videos a year ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac7NZRFp8Os&t=1s) related to this topic from an investment point of view.
You think bitcoin is boring because you don't understand bitcoin! If you understood bitcoin you'd probably dream about it night and day. My guess is you're a shitcoiner in disguise.
It’s fun to think about how different the financial news reporting would be if central banking and the FED didn’t exist, ie if everything was valued/priced relative to bitcoin. Not only in terms of the actual content of the news coverage but also in terms of what would happen economically, in terms of the value compounding effects and other outcomes, if millions of people no longer had to waste any time, energy, brain power deliberating every single day over “what will the fed’s next move be” , “how should I prepare now” , “how should I react if x/y/z scenario plays out”