How is this AI phase not a complete distraction for lightning companies (except to increase vaulations)?
Why should people care about building lightning for robots when there's still much needed work for humans to truly take advantage of it?
How is 402 payment required for heavy computational tasks not actually a larp when credit based API keys work just fine?
We can walk and chew gum at the same time, building out great lightning tooling for both humans and machine to machine payments. They're not mutually exclusive. I think it's also an opportunity to get a bitcoin foot in the door of a bunch of companies/people who otherwise wouldn't be interested, but are currently facing monetization problems that bitcoin uniquely solves.
Credit based API keys don't work for a couple reasons, big ones being chargebacks and requiring you to maintain a persistent identity for the user instead of just being able to give them the service in receipt for money.
E.g. every single company trying to add AI into their product is facing this exact problem that they can't monetize it so are either having you BYO api key, using stripe exclusively, or just otherwise limiting access to people with credit cards. Entirely possible they end up just going the way of the rest of the internet but would prefer they use bitcoin and think there's a good case for using lightning (as it exists today with good sender side privacy) to allow wider access to AI
I hear that but using bitcoin/lightnng and credit based api keys is not mutally exclusive and would save time and money.
Also, every single company trying to add AI into their product is the problem and it is no wonder they can't figure out how to monetize the latest hype train they have no business.
I made this video, July 2023 to show the start of my journey using WebLN - If it helps someone else then it was worth my time! - I'm just a pleb learning as I go!
Maybe this offers a different perspective Tony