I don't have the answers to your questions, but the reddit group you found is very interesting. Thanks
Here's another enjoyable thread where he seems to be saying he owns 5% of all bitcoin https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=350103.0
Also not that relevant but i did find a more professional piece of his writing worth it https://nakamotoinstitute.org/gpg-contracts/ " And it doesn’t stop here. I have always thought the principal utility of Bitcoin is that it renders any sort of mandatory taxation model unviable. I am firmly persuaded that as Bitcoin takes hold taxes will have to return to what they were in ancient Greece : willing donations to the state treasury, and something people openly took pride in. This shift will bring about all the improvements we were vainly trying to achieve in the old money paradigm, such as public accountability and reasonable expenditure in one fell swoop : good luck getting people to donate to the police department if they don’t like the police. And good luck with the welfare programs, for sure."