That Bitcoin is enough. Like it will fix the sistem with it's incentives. People need to learn how to mentally, legally and lawfully live as a sovereign individual.
Yup, Bitcoin is just a major asset in getting us there.
I think it will fix the current incentive structure behind money today, but the new world that bitcoin ushers in will certainly come with its own host of problems.
Nothing will change if we obey the government or any authority, still pay taxes, use fiat, etc. We can scream boating accident all we want, are still slaves. Same goes for privacy, you can hide all you want, but who are you running from?
Many taxes (like sales tax) are ridiculous. Although, paying for land that receives police protection, road maintenance etc makes sense. Think we should distinguish types of tax too. The government is not what it should be, but it can fulfill a good role if done better.