Definitely. Only option is to opt out of the cycle. Team orange for the win.
I actually like the idea of forgetting teams. Focus on fixing as many of these issues in your personal life. Then you can work outward to family, community, and then larger solutions like bitcoin. Focus on solutions, not "movements". Take personal responsibility for your life, decisions, and relationships. Remove support where you can. Avoid participation in the existing system if at all possible. The status quo requires that people "believe" in it. No matter what people say, when they participate their actions are saying I'm a part of this system. It exists and is valid. You have to pick your battles and the really important thing is to remember what your personal goals are as well as your ideological vision.
bookmarking this.. well said
Just have to mention that orange has always been a banner colour for certain kinds of anarchistic buddhists and taoists who in china every dynastic cycle would depose the rotten third generation and let the next one bring a fresh imperial dynamic that won't be as bad for a while.
Orange is the color of wit, evasion and persuasion.
The idea that the masses always will clamor for their demagogues seems to be baked into the formula, so perhaps it is better to think about the orange team as the transition team, we help society get an improvement every time after the ruling classes rot and overpopulate until their interneicine battles spill onto the streets, with the pawns fighting on behalf of factions of the oligarchy.
Do we really ever want to be mainstream? I don't think so. IMO, team orange is the one that knows how to swim against the stream when it counts. The rest is just unavoidable law of the jungle.
Why else you think terms like "remnant" and "citadel" are such popular notions in "team orange"?
The mainstream always rots down to the state we see, with the Bushes, Bidens, Clintons, et al, the modern day Neros and Comeduses...
Oh, they will all accept Bitcoin as their money in the future, that's inevitable. And possibly some of us will rise to become new nobility. But in 400 years this will repeat again, and it will be yet another new technology that overturns the key levers of power in that next era. Like the last one, the printing press. This overturned the religious power and made monarch into a dirty word, leading to the modern bureaucratic liberal democratic state.
Next round will be better, because it will pivot on the axis of our favourite and the only necessary distributed ledger.
Well said.