For me, maybe add the notification badge only when there are replies, and split notifications page into a big column with replies and a small column with recent votes. I realize though I'm being pretty picky and unconstructive, I think it's a result of high/infrequent engagement on HN with no notifications, low/frequent engagement on twitter with lots of notifications. Both are fine, but SN is giving me high/infrequent with chatty notifications. IOW if I post here, I'll be refreshing the page to check it, while twitter is far more passive.
You're telling me how you feel which I'm thankful for. I'll try to decode this.
What does the high and low axis signify?
Can you rephrase?
You gave
  • HN -> high/infrequent
  • Twitter -> low/frequent
  • SN -> high/infrequent
What does high mean in high/infrequent? And low mean in low/frequent?
Gotcha, high/low engagement, frequent/infrequent engagement. So I tweet every day, but comment/post to HN maybe once per month.