That's an issue that preceded bitcoin. The argument that a welfare state will take care of the poor better than a free market economy. It's really complicated. Here in the U.S. I think it's fair to say that social security has helped retirees, but they paid into the system. If you look at the massive social welfare systems of the (not so) Great Society under Lyndon Johnson, it can be argued that those programs increased poverty generationally. I personally have a strong commitment to charity, and I don't want to see the basic lifelines abruptly cut off. The human misery would be horrible. But, looking at the big picture, these programs may do more harm than good.
On a personal note, good for you for helping out. My family is involved with many charities including Meals on Wheels and a local food bank.
Thank you. Some valid points raised. Whilst much of the welfare support available is well intentioned it has become so bloated and misappropriated that it doesn’t actually reach those who really need it. For me it should be inextremis and as a springboard to something better. For many it’s just a daily handout.
My fear with transitioning to a bitcoin backed world would be the collapse of welfare into a Dickensian style society of rich vs poor where the only way to survive is a trip to the orphanage or the workhouse / poor house. Or perhaps a feudal system of citadel lords and serfs.
Thank you to anyone who gives their time or money to help. My motivation for helping comes from meeting so many military veterans ending up on the streets - they particularly deserve better.