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Mutiny Wallet is officially out in open beta. A self-custodial Lightning wallet that runs in your browser is a powerful tool that will make self-custodial lightning usage more accessible.
Curious how it works and how to use it? Check out my latest video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loPdYbQ5VvU
Very well done! Appreciate the tutorial so much!
Thank you! Glad you like it
Is it really different than wallets like alby or walletofsatoshi? Like honestly, there doesn't seem to be any difference being a self custodial...just a confusion I have
Functionality-wise, you're right they're similar (though there is some cool stuff that appears to be on their roadmap which you can see more on here: https://twitter.com/MutinyWallet/status/1679549684485070848?s=20)
The really big difference here is custodial vs. self-custodial. With something like Wallet of Satoshi, you're fully trusting them with all your funds. With Mutiny Wallet, you're not.
Is everyone on earth going to care about this distinction? Definitely not, but for those that do it's a great tool to have in our toolkit, and generally-speaking I think as a community we should be ensuring people understand the risks they're taking when they use custodial solutions.
True, generally people are not going to give something about custody or non custody but having a wallet like this is better, like it holds the basics of bitcoin. Before I did hear that you need to set up a node and much other stuff to perform something like this, but if this can successfully do something like that without the earlier headaches, the team did a very good job.
Yep exactly - this allows you to use Lightning self-custodially without going out and setting up an external node. In this case the node is running in your browser without you really needing to know about it - we're getting closer to "it just works". To their credit, Breez Wallet was an early pioneer of many of the tactics Mutiny is now using to make this happen, but to now have this available in a web browser is nice
that's really good, didn't know that breeze had this since as of now, not having much funds here so didn't require.
would wait for more time so Mutiny could get a bit finer with their bug fixes and updates, and not to mention the browser thing is actually "nice" from a hefty node system.
Give Blixt a try, very polished and is self-custodial in the same way as these other products.
I'm confused. Supposedly the lightning node is in the browser, but according to my interpretation of the source code, the browser contains a front-end app which communicates with a back-end; Hence the node is actually running custodially on a server. I'm assuming the front-end signs the transactions, which is what makes it noncustodial, but I wasn't able to find that part of the code.
This also implies that multiple users use the same node, just different channels on that same node.
I'm quite interested in how this actually works.
That's why I would personally like to wait a bit for this to finish, it is interesting as well as risky to jump right off into something like this, I doubt if you are correct, what if the server shuts off, yes the authority of signing transactions is in our hands but ultimately the main point arises for server closing...
Nostr is fascinating!
If you are an iOS user tap to add to Home Screen. It’s a PWA
Hey guys. I'm having trouble sending any lightning payments from my mutiny wallet. I've tried sending to every other wallet I can think of and I just get "unable to find route" error all the time. Any thoughts on this?
Hey I'd recommend reaching out to them directly - maybe through their X account? https://twitter.com/MutinyWallet
Thanks @IanM I don't use X but I'll try and get in contact.
I'm fairly new to it all, but being unable to find route on any attempt to multiple different wallets is strange.
Yea that is very strange - and the other wallets you're trying to send to definitely have inbound liquidity (i.e. are able to receive payments)? If at least 1 of them is a custodial option like Alby or others, then this concern is irrelevant since they handle liquidity for you and therefore the issue would indeed seem to reside on the Mutiny end.
It looks like they have matrix and nostr at the bottom of their website in case those might work better for you: https://www.mutinywallet.com/
I tried sending it to pheonix and WoS. I've sent stuff to my WoS wallet before without issue. But not tried alby. Perhaps I get an alby wallet and try sending it there.
Got it - I think if it doesn't work sending to WoS, then the issue is most likely on the Mutiny side since WoS has very well-connected nodes running behind the scenes to make sure they can receive payments on your behalf
Looking forward to watching
Thank for information
I watched your video today and am set up with Mutiny on iOS. Incredibly awesome wallet so far. I have no idea how the back end of channel management works but I was able to send and receive sats via lightning!
Nice! They use Voltage's Flow 2.0 service for channel liquidity - you can read more on how that works here if you're curious: https://voltage.cloud/blog/voltage-announcements/introducing-flow-v2/
I got the email as well