a setting that makes you only get notified when you have replies and /notifications only ever shows replies
Like how Twitter has it. Or Android.
Would you like to be notified for:
  • Event A
  • Event B
So in Settings, under a Notifications section, a slider to choose for each:
  • When I have been mentioned
  • When a post of mine receives a reply
  • When a reply to my post receives a reply
  • When a reply of mine receives a reply
  • When a post of mine has been upvoted / tipped | Threshold amount: ___ (default 1 sat)
  • When a reply of mine has been upvoted / tipped | Threshold amount: ___ (default 1 sat)
  • When my Lightning Address has received a payment
  • When an LN invoice (fund / deposit) has been paid
  • When I have stacked from daily earn / yield
If that is too granular, the [When * receives a reply] could be a single setting, and [When * of mine has been upvoted / tipped] could also be a single setting. I suppose for wallet, [a payment to my wallet has occurred] and that cover all three as well. I don't mine granular, myself. 99% of people I bet would leave the default values (enabled). But those annoyed have granular control.