I’ve received 0 sats for the past 4 days in a row. Not even receiving sats for the promotional videos. There is no update needed for the app so wondering what’s happening…
Remember, fountain has like 4 employees. This happens to me pretty regularly. Send them a bug report and they will resolve your issue very quickly. Over all, they really do an amazing job considering the size of their workforce!
I would add to this sentiment - they have built something phenomenal. Submit a bug report and try and create clear steps to reproduce the problem you have had, but don't let small issues detract from the amazing product.
Well here is the kicker… I did submit a bug report and I got back “your account seems to be working fine”.
As a dev, I am always shocked and saddened at apps that just don’t work or break easily. It’s like people out together these apps without proper testing or resilience.
Still getting rewards for promos. But not for general listening. I'm sure they're aware and doing what they can.
I thought the idea was more for v4v allowing us to give a few sats back to the content creators giving us value for free. It helps fix incentives and move away from the ad model which gave us things like Blockfi. I do have issues but they are mainly things like new shows not showing up in my feed or else shows showing up double or else weird freezes or crashes. But getting sats for listening I always figured was a limited promotion so never paid it much attention.
yea it happened to me too BUT
Fountain has very few people and still growing + I'm an advocate & a supporter of any quality Bitcoin company and for that I use Fountain (not necessarily to earn free sats as we should look at earning as a bonus and nothing else)
I haven't gotten sats for weeks. I though they just stopped after awhile.
happened to me too, get in touch with support!