I created this guide to help a lot of my friends and family take the orange pill. Send resources I should add to it!
Looks pretty cool! Do you have a version exported in markdown (so it can be e.g. uploaded to github)?
I think to the books you could add
I don't have a markdown version but I'll make one asap. Thank you for the book recommendations! I'll add them
Cool guide. But I think everyone should have his own journey. Big world to discover
I completely agree! The guide is a nice starting point for newcomers. Goal of it is to orange pill readers and send them on their own journey :)
First impression seems great, looking forward to digging in
+1 for the dark mode button! Good work!
Thank you. That's a necessity!
Just browsing through https://callousedmind.notion.site/callousedmind/The-Bitcoin-Rabbit-Hole-7a7a3a219ba145e99d5c3b0c74670c78 - you did a wonderful job. Thorough and friendly.
Solid launching point for someone in the building phase of their journey. Thx for open sourcing
Add Blixt Wallet as a recommended lightning wallet.