This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I play games and get some Satoshi.
Monday means back to work, but listening to a Bitcoin podcast on my mid day run was fun!
@k00b when i can use colored text ? I really want this option
If you make a PR on github it's easier for us to remember and for you to track.
Hello there gang!! Monday is here and the beginning of the week has begun. I wish you an incredible day, let's not forget to take the profit, and keep doing your DCA's and hodl, this is only going to go up, just keep the eye on the ball my friend, may your day be profitable, successful and joyful. Be the best you can be and today I recommend you smile on a stranger and let's see how that turns out. Be well and stay frosty my friend.
Is there a way to see, in a posting, if there is body-text that goes along with it, vs a naked link? Seems like not, but just checking that I didn't miss a setting or something.
If not, following on from a comment yesterday, that might be nice -- even a one character indicator that lets you know there's some editorial, not just a link. Shows me the submitter has done at least a little proof of work :)
If you see a link next to the post title, it's just a link.
If it's just a title, there's usually some body-text but not always. We could probably do something to indicate there's body or not. I'll think about it more
I am not sure how many physicists we have on SN, but I just wanted to say that this video on geometric algebra kinda blew my mind:
Not a physicist, but have been digging deep into history of physics/Standard Model/General Relativity, String Theory, Geometric Unity lately because of some of the things Eric Weinstein has been saying. Thinking about doing writeup about it all, some wild stuff
That one's above my paygrade, but I love the 3b1b linear algebra videos; love geometric frames to math more generally. Any other favorites?
Since I barely passed trigonometry in high school, I'll save myself the humiliation of clicking the link.
Damnit @k00b, I lost my hat again!
you keep your longest streak though :)
Yeah when this happens you die a little inside but you be okay!
Day 93 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
93 already? Time flies
420 still seems like a good guess
You beat him this morning. Well done
He must be feeling sluggish… or the price has gone to 100k
Snail today?