I spend on occassion, but the main reasons i dont are:
  • I don't have enough bitcoin for my whole family.
  • Its not accepted.
  • It is not ready to be spent as a medium of exchange (getting close though, I give it another 5 years).
I don't have enough bitcoin for my whole family.
  • You can buy more bitcoin
Its not accepted.
  • Fair point.
It is not ready to be spent as a medium of exchange (getting close though, I give it another 5 years).
  • What is the issue?
The issue is that I don't think lightning is ready. Custodial LN like wallet of satoshi is an amazing experience, but its still fundamentally not your bitcoin. Phoenix is good but expensive 0.4%. OBW is great, but has pretty much been abandoned. Blixt... Getting better.
These things take time. They will get better over time with other scaling solutions & improvements to LN
Absence of good tech solution sounds good to me. I hope that Ark could bring some more accessible non-custodial solutions.
I mean if we really imagine the future of Bitcoin as a MoE it needs tohave the feel of wallet of satoshi/cashu, but be in your custody & free or almost free to send