RIP. Art of Deception was a great read and helped me appreciate the swiss cheese aspect of a lot of systems security. He seemed more playful than anything though I'm sure he hindered a lot of professionals' sleep.
long live Kevin Mitnick
We’ll all miss him. RIP.
It’s down to all of us to make sure his seed never forgets about what he contributed, and make it better for those who are fatherless.
Mitnick was a legend into main streaming social engineering.
Did he even have much to say about Bitcoin?
RIP. He was a trailblazer, he got the brains and he used it.... Got him in trouble one time or two but I bet it was definitely worth it. Rest in peace Kevin, you were one heck of a character...!
Condor, your life was great, have a good journey...
The man had an interesting life. Now I want to read his book.
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