This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Daily stacking to cold storage and orange pilling friends with Fountain podcasts like Blue Collar Bitcoin, Preston Pysch, and Nat Brunnel
Kind of traumatized by my deployment last night lol. I was so excited about it.
Now it seems like I might have to spend another couple days upgrading tertiary dependencies before I can take it live.
Ah -- did it take the site down briefly? I tried to get on at one point and it just hung.
Anyway, thank you for your service :)
Yep it was up and down for a couple hours. I even logged everyone out for 20 minutes accidentally.
Learning about the Lucene-based search in MongoDB
Good morning gang, the weekend is here, coffee is being brewed and news are being read, getting ready for work and starting the day with the right foot, it's strange I haven't asked how do you start your morning? If you like let me know, it's always good to learn new ways to jack the day up. I wish you an incredible day my friend, may all your endeavors be fruitful and fulfilled to the max. You are awesome!! Be well and stay frosty gang.
Have a great weekend coach.
Up earlier than usual for a saturday. may take my drain down to haulover inlet to film yachts
I will give it a listen
Day 98 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Laser eyes snail doesnโ€™t get a day off?