The Italians loved Mussolini at the beginning because the trains ran on time. I agree that it's not fair to judge him based on the mess he had to clean up. I also think that he has engineered a real turnaround, with or without bitcoin. My big red flag is when he changed the constitution to remain in power. That's when I started humming the theme song in my head to the old Woody Allen movie "Bananas."
Yeah agreed. Many leaders with dictatorial tendencies or merely "strongman" tendencies are very popular initially. It's often that overwhelming popularity that feeds into their need for more power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
You beat me to the Lord Acton quote! I'm sure he was thinking "I just need more time. One more term." Next thing you know, 30 years go by. Don't get me wrong. He's not nearly as bad as Trudeau or Biden 😄