This is another hybrid link/discussion post. Caitlin Long is the star of this show, though Lawrence Lepard is also fantastic. This is a must listen. In this single episode:
  • Both guests explain in detail how BlackRock's spot ETF is a "mixed bag" with major drawbacks. You get a great primer on how commodity asset prices can be manipulated through financialization products. Lepard explains how Robert Rubin manipulated the gold market for Bill Clinton.
  • Caitlin Long gives a lesson in Austrian economics, explaining the distinction between "free banking" and the Murray Rothbard alternative. She also discusses Hayek and Hazlitt. She is well versed in Austrian economics.
  • Caitlin explains the absurd treatment Custodia got from the fed, and how, in the end, her lawsuit may publicly expose the hypocrisy.
Okay. I'm done. There's more here but they can explain it better than I can. Please listen to this episode if you have the time.
It's great.