"@DavidFBailey I’ve blocked @Pledditor because he‘s obsessed with attacking Bitcoin Magazine and myself and I don’t have the energy/time to argue with a bad-faith critic. This tweet was sent to me so to respond (again). We began as a crypto company, that experience lead us to be bitcoin only."
Subtitle of that article: By trolling so-called “Bitcoin Maximalists,” proponents of Ordinals raise questions about devotion to Bitcoin culture and its use cases.
And of course you guys are familiar with Prepare Yourself for Scams "Built on Bitcoin" Wherein, we learn about the plot to use Ordinals to reinvent the pump and dump schemes of shitcoins, but rebranded as "Bitcoin only" https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1680920921463201792/pu/vid/1280x720/V3eaZ94h09YMZQrR.mp4?tag=12
The only lesson Bitcoin Magazine learned, was to hide a bit better.
pretty obvious. they hype every wallstreet and shitcoin invasion attempt.
clickbait magazine at it again
...and do not forget the quality of the book they publish as for instance "A Progressive's Case for Bitcoin": A silly attempt to politicize Bitcoin for the "progressive" case in the fear that the "conservatives" may gain more from Bitcoin, not considering that Bitcoin is changing you: it depoliticizes you. Not the other way round.
Just when i was thinking bitcoin would be a good example to the fiat world, this controversy with ordinals?