I have a good friend who works for Worldcoin. They didn't tell me any interesting insider knowledge, but I found it remarkable how little they know or care about cryptocurrencies (not even Woldcoin). They just like the job they do there and get a pretty good pay check and enough premined Worldcoin for which they would get "a nice car".
I had to explain to them the history and philosophy of bitcoin and how the blockchain works and what the difference between bitcoin and "crypto" is. I think they are now a bit intrigued by bitcoin, but not enough to go down the rabbit hole.
They just care about how much fiat they get for their job. I guess that's a very important difference between people who work for shitcoins, and people that work on improving bitcoin. shitcoin employees do it for fiat, bitcoin developers do it because they are passionate about bitcoin and want to make the world a better place.
Yes, agreed. 100% failed startup vibes, where VC money just goes up in smoke one dumb hire at a time. Dude has a great job getting flown all over the world to shoot the shit with despotic government types. He's living out a Seth Rogan movie script.