What's that cliché again? Oh yeah. Bitcoin fixes this
PayPal has always been this hellish...
Seeing a lot of interactions say to use Bitcoin on the tweet too. GrapheneOS already accept onchain Bitcoin. They also pay all their employed developers with Bitcoin. Of course methods like PayPal and GitHub sponsors make up a majority...
They won't use LN until they have their own secure infrastructure to run a node, which they only wanted to start doing when they made the GrapheneOS Foundation. I guess this will be a blow towards that progress.
The supporters are gonna need some orange pills guys... The majority are nocoiners?
Seems odd for people who care about privacy to not at least be coiners.
We still have a long way to go to even get the people on our side which should obviously be on our side.
A lot of my friends are "red-pilled" but don't get bitcoin... yet
I'd say the majority of supporters for open source projects like these are no-coiners. Unless the project was directly focused on cryptocurrencies then it's unlikely for them to be the majority I think. I am honestly surprised they could continue to pay the devs in Bitcoin.
A lot of the cryptocurrency donors are also large lump sums and one offs rather than smaller, frequent and consistent donations. Someone donated an entire salary's worth of another coin in the past.
Gee wiz Larry what am I gonna do if can’t trust the banking system? 🤯
Sheesh, what a mess. Is this a result of some "suspicious behavior" that triggered a lock from Paypal? Or is PayPal just shutting down an org they perceive to be bad for their image?
Either way it's not the first time I've heard of something like this from Paypal
GrapheneOS Foundation believes it is because they accept cryptocurrency donations from a noncustodial wallet. They sent them a web page to do with donations and many cryptocurrencies were on there.
Wonder what would Wikipedia do if it happened to them. They cannot use the bad bad bitcoin. Maybe they feel they are mainstream or close to it so it cannot happen to them, but GrapheneOS does not sound too controversial, so who knows in this crazy world...
GrapheneOS is a project with a lot of enemies some being people they were once associated with. Unfortunately some bend towards their pressure. Someone could have very easily reported PayPal on the same bullshit.